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Constantine Vardavas. European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention

Within this presentation Dr Vardavas will provide an overview of the main points of the European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) and the outcomes of studies performed to support the regulatory activities across the European population of 508 million people in 28 Member States. This presentation will also cover the development of a common reporting format for submission of data on ingredients contained in tobacco and related products, the role of packaging and labelling, the regulation of electronic cigarettes and also the impact of the TPD on European public health. Finally, this presentation will conclude on how regulatory actions impact population indexes and upcoming exciting actions and challenges that will be faced.

Constantine Vardavas is a medical epidemiologist by training (MD, RN, MPH, PhD). He is very active in European Regulatory Science and public policy, including the scientific basis for the European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). He is the coordinator or partner in a number of projects – including Horizon2020s, DG SANTE Tenders and CHAFEA 3rd Health Programme projects. He currently is the coordinator of “EUREST-PLUS” a Horizon2020 study to evaluate the population impact of the TPD and was Scientific Team Leader of three studies for the European Commission with regards to product reporting, e-cigarettes and priority additives.